Get Social

Digital Derry aims to help bring together the digital media community in the city and connect that community with the rest of the world. You can keep up with everything that’s happening via Twitter and Facebook.

Attend an Event

Digital Derry hosts a range of events throughout the year – from informal networking opportunities to regional conferences and just about everything in between. We list them all – plus dozens more from other organisations – here.

Become an Ambassador

In order to help get the word out about the exciting things happening in Derry, we’re building a team of 50 Ambassadors (companies and individuals) to help us. Ambassadors get advance notice of events, top-secret-spy-type info on projects in the pipeline and any other freebies and goodies we can lay our hands on. Ambassadors are normally invited to join but if you’re interested in using your network to tell people about the companies, events and activities that make up Digital Derry, then please get in touch.

Share What You Know

Advice from experienced entrepreneurs and subject matter experts – whether given 1-on-1 or through group sessions, workshops and speaking events –  is worth its proverbial weight in gold. Digital Derry is expanding on the scale and scope of the projects it delivers and supports, which means we need great people to get involved and help pass their knowledge along. If you’d like to see what opportunities are coming up, please drop us a line.